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Being easily offended, and caught up with your focus concentrating on the problems, makes you more aware of the adversity than of God, desensitizing you to the Lord’s intimate guidance, which wrongly allows a mere pebble to become a major stumbling block. You need to fiercely guard against all things wanting to disrupt His Divine peace dwelling within you. And so the Holy Spirit molds you, and conditions you as you expectantly turn to Jesus, which then allows you to be aware of the exact moment when the change that attempts to veer you out of His complete peace, and into an environment where aggravation, irritation, and all other things attempt to add up, happens. This then stops it from escalating, because your first reaction is to expectantly turn to Jesus for help, which allows you to fully experience the soothing balm of God’s Holy Words, and provides a safe haven in which you can wait and allow Him to heal your thoughts, actions, and cleanse your vision so that you can make correct free-will choices, being exclusively guided by Him, and not by your emotions, feelings, or what you are outwardly experiencing. This allows you to act, and not react, thereby rising you above your circumstances and having you speak life into where separation desires to dwell. Radically focusing on Jesus is the only way to keep your full armor of God completely on, teaching you and instructing you to correctly wield His Shield of Faith, and the sword of the Spirit. Praise Jesus, our Abba amazingly humbles Himself in order to allow us to partner with Him in intently guarding the effects of intimately dwelling with Him, in His Divinely peaceful environment, which will see us through all things in the flesh, and will effectively teach us, in a greater way, of His deep, unconditional love specifically for us.