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Mystery of the Gospel~Christ within us. He feels what we feel, what affects us, affects Him. You live deeply within Jesus, and are miraculously seeing that every moment in your life is intently orchestrated by Him, regardless of the wrong free-will choices being made all around you, or the ones you are making, which He miraculously instructs us through. He is rock solidly building His faithfulness towards us, within us, giving us Divine knowledge and confidence in knowing that as we turn to Him for all things, it gives Him an opportunity to intimately show us how He is in all of the tiny details of our lives. We privately converse with Him, and His faithfulness in responding to us is exactly how we need, not in how we once expected Him to. Miraculous spiritual changes have taken place within, we are becoming even more sensitive to Him, and He is faithful to respond at the exact moment needed so we will recognize it is Him. He is greater than all things, and therefore His ways are limitless and above all ways. Praise Jesus, actively living in Jesus is like a two-edged sword, slaying the wrong with boldness, forgiving, but not condoning, which then provides the healing, and comfort we all deeply need because we see Jesus. It is the only way to live above the circumstances, situations, and chaos, and at the same time instill His Divine healing deeply needed in our lives, as well as others. Abba’s unconditional love raises us to live above the circumstances, situations, and all chaos…a true Overcomer, all because of Him! Praise Jesus!