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Actively seeing Jesus leads you to intently place all things within your life under His authority. This takes time and effort, but you soon realize a depth to Jesus’ strong desire to be actively present in your life.  One of those vital traits you discover is that He is the only way true unconditional love, and forgiveness can actively flow through you. It isn’t that your mind needs convincing, so don’t allow that to cause you to stumble. It is all about your free-will choice that is made, be confident. You choose to forgive, and as you continuously focus on Jesus, your choice is turned into a healing medicine for your mind and memory, as you recognize that you must desperately cling to Him in order to continue on loving and forgiving, not just others, but first and foremost, yourself. You cannot give something, if you, yourself, haven’t received it. What is happening is that Jesus is uniting you back to your roots, directly back to the root of all things:  Who your Abba is, the very essence of Him, which is Love. Love truly is way more powerful than we could ever imagine, it is beyond what even our limited minds can experience or grasp. Love is the foundation of all of our Abba’s perfect designs, created and intimately established by the very Breath of Him.  The driving force behind all that your Abba is can be found in… His Love. Don’t allow your wrong free-will choices to block it’s faithful flow.