Protection Series

Protection Series

Look for the star~This series of novels are based on the United States Secret Service, and introduces the elusive CAT guys.

These novels may be really different from what you normally read, but I am hoping that you enjoy the uniqueness and interesting situations that they all find themselves in and how King Jesus intimately heals their ways and works in each of their lives.

There is a unique brotherly bond between the agents that you will meet. Each novel does stand alone, and you are not limited by having to read the first one to follow the rest.  However, reading them in order will help introduce you to the lovable men and the women they allow near them, before you delve into their personal lives.  You will laugh, cry, sigh and be inspired by them as you crawl into their protective lives and find yourself cheering on the heroic, strong women who make them even more protective.  Those same women whose lives are uniquely held in the hands of King Jesus which draws their men into an even closer fellowship with their Savior.  Enjoy your glimpse into a rare lifestyle and may it inspire you to actively live in King Jesus, as well.

The novels in this series do stand-alone; you do not have to read the first ones in order to follow the rest. However, they do relate to each other.

#1~ A Step Beyond Protection is published.  In celebration of the release of my Protection Series, I am offering it as a free download at

#2~ In the Shelter of Protection is published.  Each of my books in this series will only be $3.99. They are my bigger novels. You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it (which is about the first 6 chapters of this book) Go to:

#3~ Crossing the Bridge of Protection.  You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#4~ Grasping Protection in the Face of Fear.  You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#5~ Breathing In the Freedom of Protection.   You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#6~ Behind the Shield of Protection.  You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#7~ The Unfailing Hope of Protection.   You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#8~ Communicating the Tenderness of Protection.  You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#9~ Trusting in the Faithfulness of Protection.  You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#10~ The Forgiving Strength of Protection. You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#11~ The Driving Force Behind Protection.  You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#12~ The Secret Awareness of Protection. You can download the first 20% of the book for free to make sure you will enjoy it. Go to:

#13~ Protection’s Sole Provider.  Publishing date 5/28/2023.

#14~ Dwelling in the Fullness of Protection.

#15~ The Healing Intimacy of Protection.

#16~ Protection’s Guiding Light.

#17~ The Devoting Presence of Protection.

#18~ The Everlasting Joy of Protection.

#19~ Safeguarding the Peaceful Existence of Protection.

#20~ Embracing the Vital Breath of Protection.

All of my books, as they are published, are available at Barnes & Noble, and other major retailers including ibook store for your iphone, ipods, etc.  Smashwords does offer a kindle version, and it does work on the latest Kindles, including Kindle Fire (my friend just tried it on hers); instructions: Click on one of the links above (, after you purchase/download using the mobi Kindle version, you then have to click “read online.” It is a little different because the pages scroll down instead of sideways. Another reader said that this is the way she reads with her Kindle (thanks Jasmine):  Just in case any other Kindle owners are interested if you plug-in your Kindle to the computer and download the Kindle version and then drop it into the documents folder on the Kindle, it will read like all the other books.

14 thoughts on “Protection Series”

  1. Namatama said:

    Hi andie I’m a huge fan of your books and they really inspire my faith cause your ministry is truly annoited but I need some advice, you see I’m trying to get through a path of self discovery in my faith but I find myself in a situation where I want to develop a deeper fellowship with God but don’t know how to pray, praise or worship. I admire how people do all this but I just don’t seem able. I honestly felt led to ask this to you and would really love if you could reply soon. Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Namatama! I am honored you wrote to me. God already knows your heart, He hears your prayer, and the amazing thing is He is already showing you that. Remind yourself, He is your Creator, He created you and you are turning to Him. The enemy would like you to think we need to go on a “self discovery” path in our faith, but that is wrong and in your own words you are revealing what God is telling you: “Want the deeper relationship with Me. Go to Jesus.” Only as we fellowship, privately with Jesus, who dwells inside of us (the Mystery of the Gospel) are we able to discover our identities and who God has uniquely designed us to be in Him. It is so important for us to realize that we don’t know ourselves, but we can know our Savior. The more you get to know Jesus, by openly acknowledgining Him within your mind, because He lives inside of you, the more the Holy Spirit will reveal things about you, and show you what may need cleansed or changed, and so on. Each step is deepening your relationship with Him. And you are already praising and worshiping Him with your words, and your step of faith in reaching out to me. You are doing that, you even worship Him with your tears when you cry out to Him, He hears you. Or when your heart wants that deep relationship with Him, and that moves Him. By the way, it is the Holy Spirit calling you, that is what you are experiencing and your mind is trying to adapt and put it into words or thoughts. But He is greater than that, and He has placed on my heart to share with you this book, which taught my mind how to actively live in Him. It is a short book: “The Practice of the presence of God” by brother Lawrence. first and foremost, go to Jesus, stay with Jesus, concentrate only on Jesus, who dwells inside of you. Speak to Him as you are speaking to me. We need to be more aware of Jesus than anything else, and only as we privately talk to Him can we see ourselves how we need to see ourselves, or how to see others in how we need to see them. We have to ALWAYS first look to Jesus. It is a process, and it can take a while, but it sounds to me you are already deeply involved in your Savior! Praise Jesus!!! The Holy Spirit is teaching you how to better hear Him. When a scripture comes to mind, or you felt led to ask me, He prompted you to do that, and you obediently did! Praise Jesus!!! Go, read the book He has placed on my heart for you! You will see! :) xoxo Feel free to reach out to me at anytime, even at my email address:


  2. I have read all 11 books and loved them so much that I am reading them again,so I can write the spiritual wisdom in my journal. I have learned and grown so much through your amazing series. Thank you, Abba for the wisdom you allow to flow through Andie and her books.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praise King Jesus!!! Amen, Jan. Thank you so very much for this message and prayer!!! I am so excited you are loving them as the Holy Spirit guides you into reading them! Praise King Jesus, Amen… and again I say, Amen!!! May He release even more of His Truth through them as Abba intimately shows you something different every time you read them with Jesus!


  3. Hi Andie,

    I absolutely love your books and through it I’ve learnt to experience and live The Mystery of The Gospel – Christ within us.

    Thank you for being an open vessel by which the Lord could use to spread His message in such a uniquely profound way.

    I have to ask though ….

    When do you think you’ll you be releasing the other titles in the series?

    Thank you for sharing your blessing with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Nicole! Thank you so much, I really, really needed to hear from you like this today!!! Praise King Jesus!!! Thank you, thank you!!! :) Well, the next one #13 is currently in the writing phase, the Lord hasn’t released any dates to me yet, but I do notify readers through this website and on my Facebook page. :) Thank you so very much for contacting me like this!!! WoW, what a blessing! Thank you, and may the Holy Spirit continue to intimately teach and instruct you as you continue to cling to King Jesus as He manifests Himself to you in new ways and show you just how lovingly talkative He is! :)


  4. Thank you for your divine writing. Never have I read a fiction series that brings me closer to God and his Holy Spirit in the way your books have. Please keep writing as the Lord directs. All your books are ones that I will be purchasing in hard copy and will read over and over. Blessings

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praise King Jesus, Rosalind! Thank you so much for your encouraging message, it means so much to me. May Abba continue to draw you closer to Him. All glory and honor unto the Lord our God, Hallelujah the Lord God omnipotent reigns!


  5. tparkerteacher said:

    I cannot skim your novels and fully understand the story as I can with most novels and the only thing I can say is Praise Jesus. He has me slowing down and reading, then rereading, all italicized words, making sure I understand what is being said. Sometimes it takes me several tries to get through a single paragraph, but it moves as only the Holy Spirit deems it to be understood for the moment at hand. And I just connected the last sentence! I have read and reread your books several times and they speak to me differently each time, showing the Holy Spirit at work.
    I wish the next 13 novels were also available, because I miss your characters between publishing times. It is a special world to be a part of as I read them.
    Thank you for sharing your story and your walk towards what it means to walk like Enoch did and like what the 144,000 will have in our very last days rapidly approaching. It is encouraging me to continue (though it feels like beginning again this time to do it right) my walk with my Father.

    Sincerely and with HOPE,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Praise King Jesus!!!!!! You know, Tammy, as the Holy Spirit writes through me, it is amazing to me because He has written each and every book so very differently. No two books have ever been written the same. I remember one time where He started in the middle, then sent me towards the end, then back towards the beginning, and so forth. And then during editing it, you should have seen my face, I fell to my knees several times with my arms raised high above my head over the amazement of how all of the parts of the book came together, melding together in His perfect, teachable, harmony, in a miraculously beautiful way, revealing so much!

      There have also been times during editing where He will be very direct, and very firm with me about keeping a specific word in place, including how some of the words are even laid out in a sentence, or paragraph. And I have never questioned it because I know that only Abba can create a beautiful story that will fully glorify Him. Well, amazingly, over these last few recent books, He finally told me why He does that. It was so precious when He intimately whispered to me, as if it was a very private and secret mystery, that by obediently doing what He has said for me to do with those words, He plans to teach a specific reader (who Abba has intimately guided to read the book). He allowed me to understand that by placing those specific words where they are and keeping them like it, it creates a moment for Him to move through them and instruct the reader regarding their own life, at the moment they need it. He then taught me a depth of how He can use specific words, even very simple words, to do that ;)

      Praise King Jesus, to actually hear from a reader that He is doing that with…. WoW!!! Thank you Tammy for sharing that with me!!! PRAISE KING JESUS!!! All glory and Honor unto the Lord our God, Hallelujah the Lord God omnipotent reigns!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • tparkerteacher said:

        That would explain why some books are easier for me to read and some of them I have to drag through. But reading them again later they speak to me more, Maybe it follows what I’m needing to accept and let the Lord bring me through before I can fully digest it.
        I grew up with another author who does wording like I see from you. She was also a woman who wrote directly from the Holy Spirit. I’ve spent times in my life reading her books and other times when I’ve nearly mocked and avoided reading anything by her, probably because I don’t want to change or give something up that I know isn’t from God. She definitely didn’t write fiction! I just found a stack of her books on the Bible yesterday in my garage and felt impressed to bring them back into the house.
        I cannot begin to tell you how much your books mean to me. I just finished a straight through read of all 13 and I’m thinking I need to start them again after only 3 days. I’m also reading Psalms again and have a childhood song running through my head all day, everyday on Psalm 19: 7 and 10. Looking at it again I see I need to add a second and third verse with verses 8-9 as well because the go together and follow the same cadence as verse 7 (Thank you King David!). God is impressing me to return to His law. Not because His law is what saves me, His mercy is what does that, but because His law helps me to know Him in His perfection, and how it pleases Him for me to be obedient.
        Anyway, thank you for listening. I know you will be given a crown filled with jewels from your witnessing and testimony in Heaven. May you continue to draw closer to Abba until His Spirit fills you so completely that there is nothing that separates you.


      • Hi Tammy, well your description in how He leads you through the books and has you re-reading, etc, perfectly explains what you said about Him bringing you through a place within, to more fully digest it, which specifically highlights intimate changes only He can make within you. He is always moving, always in motion and always doing something, our individual paths are simply made up of beautiful processes that He brings us through as He walks us back to the Garden, into Abba’s full embrace. And how you described it, well it was perfect, I have experienced that very thing with Him before ;)

        He is leading me to share with you that in the Protection Series, Books 1-9: I later found out (around the 5th book) that their titles, which He had afore named, and what is spiritually revealed in each of them is the complete description, in order, of my own spiritual journey towards Abba establishing me as an overcomer, and finalizing it with the root of all Truth and necessity in #10 God’s Forgiving Strength! which then leads you into the journey He is profoundly taking me through now, the Riches of HIS GLORY!!! I have actually experienced every single spiritual Truths that are released in them, which Abba has since revealed to me is a very specific safeguard which I privately need. :)

        Oh and Psalm 19!!! What a beauty! ;). He led me to open up my Bible and I smiled widely, off to the sides of verses 1-2: ‘the heavens tell of the glory of God; and their expanse declares the work of His Hands. Day to day pours forth speech,’ – I had written something He had led me to write a while back showing indicating that those specific verses are the results of (how) He writes through me and also the outcome of His writing through me. In the last part of verse 2: ‘And night to night reveals knowledge.’ He had me write that it’s another reason why attacks and pain increases at night, to wrongly distract us.

        I love hearing what He is doing through you as He walks you through actively showing Who He is, praise King Jesus. That Psalm and His law does line up so perfectly! Psalm 19 is a beautiful lense to look at His law through, puts it into the proper perspective as it protects us from legalism!!! Praise King Jesus!!!

        Abba surprised me through your words: “May you continue to draw closer to Abba until His Spirit fills you so completely that there is nothing that separates you.” that has always been my greatest desire and prayer since I was a little girl!!! ;) and did you take a look at Protection Series’ #14 book? Dwelling in the Fullness of Protection!!!!!!!!!! Another answered prayer!!! ALL Glory and Honor unto the Lord our God, Hallelujah, the Lord God omnipotent reigns!!! Praise King Jesus!!! xoxoxoxo


      • tparkerteacher said:

        I haven’t seen the 14th book available on Smashwords yet, but I’m looking forward to it. I did wonder how you knew your titles before they were written. I also noticed that books 1-9 were about areas that are overcoming areas of deficit (slothfulness) and there was a change after into receiving His blessings, but receiving His blessings still took a lot of discipline.
        It’s funny, I just thought of my sons and their glasses. They both have something called Irlen’s Syndrome, which is a visual perception deficit. For them, words on a page move, making it very difficult to read. To correct this they have colored filters put on their glasses and they have to be placed in a specific order that will slow down and hopefully stop the movement. The diagnostition had a case of 30 lenses or so, a grand rainbow of colors and a funky pair of glasses with clips on them. I watched my sons, with their leg jiggling, fidgeting and hat wearing, unable to read a sentence with fluency, let alone understanding the main idea of a paragraph or recall 4 facts on a page, go to slowing their bodies down with each specific colored filter added in the exact order needed for them individually until their bodies stopped moving and the could read a page and recall what was being said with little difficulty. Just like books 1-9, our Father working on each area, like His heavenly colored filter, correcting our fleshly visual perceptions, to see and live in the real truth. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Even our little chats are connecting moments of spiritual depths! My sons have 8 & 10 layers, making them look like sunglasses to others, but they don’t see the color. To them, they are pretty clear.
        And that thought just connected me to circumcision, I’m in the middle of reading about that with Jaycee. We are called to be in the world, but not of it, visually different, or my favorite, 2 Cor. 2:15-17, for we are the aroma of Christ to the world. To some we smell like life and to some they smell their own death (I love the sweet smelling aromas!) because their souls know where they belong. I pray that I am the sweet smell of lavender and lilies!
        Anyway, enough for today. I love that Abba has made you open and willing to share His testimony through you and to be able to respond and share through your website.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Praise King Jesus!!! There is such a depth of richness in His Glory when thinking about your sons and their glasses along with Abba’s colorful rainbow Throne. Amazingly, what you said about the aromas, that lines up perfectly with what the Holy Spirit is writing right now, regarding drawing out what is within each person as we speak to them. (He has led me away from the Protection Series and back into the Divine Line series, the second book in that one). Amazing how there are a depth to His Words and not just in their meanings, but they have a special aroma, timing, and even environment which instills Life and draws out the very root of what is inside someone, either for God, or against Him. :). Praise King Jesus! xoxo


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