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Moment by moment we have chosen to actively and consciously live in Jesus and our relationship has led us into a deeper relationship with Him. Through multiple issues and problems of the flesh, as well as countless valleys, hills, with exposure to both wet and dry lands, the Holy Spirit has faithfully and diligently taught us through each one of them. And stripped down bare? Well, we have found out that victoriously we now no longer reside on the surface only, but instead, have privately and profoundly find out, our identities reside solely in Jesus, our Loving Savior, the Lamb of God. And while the Holy Spirit’s comforting instructions has openly exposed the very root of ourselves, we actively know our Jesus reigns within these living temples of Abba’s, and because of that the Sacrificial Blood of the Lamb not only coats us but also begins to actively fill us. Under Jesus’ reign, the Holy Spirit’s instructions has diligently exposed the root of Truth and we have embraced it, so Abba, the Great I Am, Himself, can now vibrantly nourish us at the very depth of our being.