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Things you rely on, you depend on and build up a trust with. And this world is full of things designed to have you do just that in order to make your life “easier,” and if you can’t find something more to rely on then there is probably an app or a pill out there that will help you out with that. Now, there is an amazing design for a lot of these things, and yes, I do enjoy things that help in my daily life as led by the Lord, and fully enjoy living in this day and age, but there is a slyness going on intent on taking you farther from Jesus that is very easily overlooked. There are things we rely on in this advanced technological world that we should be relying on God for. The less we rely on God, the more we dwell in darkness because we are not looking to Him to provide for us, we are not looking to Him to help us. But when something happens and there is no app for it, when tragedy strikes or upsetting news from a doctor strikes we fall flat on our faces and fill more like a “fish out of water” than anything else. Why? Because we had wasted precious time building up trusts in things that are faulty, things that will let us down, things that are man-made and temporal. What happens when you can no longer rely on major things like medicine? Well, don’t wait, start turning over little things in your life to God and tell Him that you are now relying on Him for that. Years ago, with me, it started out with an alarm clock and I never realized the powerful significance something like would have in my life. Jesus has never let me down, a few times over the years when I did miss the bus with my children, I always found small treasures of blessings that we, as a family, needed to experience like a little bit more sleep, or a missed accident. And we were always still right on time because I relied on Him, who is eternal and faithful. Praise Jesus…