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Our God is not a God of chaos. Turn to Jesus and cultivate your relationship with Him because only He can provide the inner, divine peace needed to stay-the-course in this rapidly unsettling world. This will let His Light, through you, shine even brighter and let His peace pour forth, encompassing those around you. While others fret, use your free-will choice to openly rejoice and praise your Lord, for you know He will victoriously bring us through all things. Do not turn to the adversity, do not feed the fight, instead, look to Jesus for guidance and direction for healing, so that you may actively be a part of bringing His life to the destruction. Your bold reactions and responses to adversity is what draws even more people to Jesus, so continuously praise the Lord because we have read the Bible through and deeply know that God is greater than all things. And now, with a heavy sigh, with our eyes firmly looking towards you, Abba, instead of to the destruction we see all around us, and with a stronger heart only because of you, Jesus, we boldly declare…Even so, come, Lord Jesus! (Revelations 22:20)